Ron Hoover Equipment is your one stop shop for new and used utility trailers! Today we’re featuring our Ranch King trailers for sale. Take a look at a couple of our units below in our Ranch King trailer review and then stop in today to hitch up and haul home the savings!
Ranch King Gooseneck and Cargo Trailers
Haul everything – and then some! Our Ranch King gooseneck and cargo trailers for sale are ready to haul it all.

Check out these standard specs on our Ranch King GTQP line:
- Axles: Dexter 7000# or 8000#
- Electric brakes
- Coupler: 30K Adjustable 2 5/16
- Cross Member: C3X3.5 on 16
- Fenders HD 3/16
- 2×8 Treated Pine Floor
- C6X13# to W10 x 15# Ibeam Frame
- C10X15.3# Frame Neck
- 14000#-16000# GVWR
- 12K Dropleg Jack
- LED Lights
- 5’ Flip Up Ramp
Compare our different Ranch King gooseneck and cargo trailers here.
Ranch King Dump Trailers
Next, take a look at our Ranch King dump trailers for sale! We have several in our DT14 line, and you won’t be disappointed with the features it offers!

Your new Ranch King DT14 dump trailer includes these features:
- 14,000# GVWR
- EX Lube 7,000# Dexter Axles
- (2) Electric Braking Axles
- Coupler: 2-5/16” Bulldog Style
- Scissor Hoist
- 5 ton Pay Cap
- 30” Side Height
- 6’10” Width
- Tongue: 6” X 13## Channel Wrap
- C10 X 15.3# Channel
- 6” X 13# Channel
- Cross Member: 3” Formed Channel on 20” Centers
- 1/8” Heavy Duty Diamond Plate Fenders
- 10 Ga. Floor
- 6’ Slide Ramp
- 15,000# Drop Leg Jack/Sand Foot Jack
- LED Lights Enclosed Steel Boxes
- Wiring: Sealed Harness Run through Frame
- Spare Tire Mount
- Tires: (4) New 235/80R 16E 10-Ply
- 16” Mod Wheels (8-Lug)
- 3/8” Safety Chains/Dot Reflective Tape
- Tongue Tool Box for Pump Housing/Storage
You can compare all of our Ranch King dump trailers here.
Stop In Today
We know that the toughest jobs require the toughest equipment – and the right equipment. We can help you choose the right Ranch King trailer for your job needs and let you compare your short list favorites side by side. Stop in or contact us today!