Everyone dreams of having a beautifully manicured lawn, but without the right lawn care and maintenance, it can be a total hassle. Knowing things like how to prevent weeds before they sprout and understanding your soil’s pH level can go a long way when it comes to efficient and smart lawn care, and ultimately will help you enjoy the fruits of your labor. Here are a few lawncare and maintenance tips!
Get to Know Your Soil
Testing your soil’s pH is a good starting place for proper lawncare and maintenance. Why? Because the pH level will help you determine what kind of additives, fertilizers, and nutrients your particular soil needs.

A Healthy Diet
Once you’ve tested your soil, determine the lawn treatment that’s needed. You’ll want to determine whether to use liquid or granular fertilizer and how frequently to use it, or even compost in garden areas. There are also different times of the year that lawn treatment is needed, as the growing season vs. dormancy have different needs.

The Weed Battle
One way to deal with pesky weeds is by using a pre-emergent product, which kills them before they can sprout. But you want to be careful: some weeds provide early and necessary food for bees and butterflies, so if you can get by with a less aggressive approach, you might want to consider it.

Give it a Drink
Did you know that the timing is important when it comes to watering your lawn? Watering in midday or when the sun is directly overhead can cook foliage, watering at night can often result in prolonged moisture, which can result in disease. An early morning watering schedule can allow your lawn to receive the moisture it needs while also allowing the excess moisture to evaporate as the sun gets higher in the sky.

Know When to Mow
Knowing when to mow is just as important as knowing when not to mow. You can actually over-mow your lawn. If your grass is turning yellow-brown, it might be a sign that you’re over-mowing. Even if mowing is a relaxing pastime for you, everything is best done in moderation. Never trim more than 1/3 of your grass height.
Keep Your Mower in Good Condition
If your mower has a fuel or oil leak, it can wreak havoc on your lawn. Those fluids don’t need to soak into the ground! We can help keep your new or used mower in beautiful and long lasting condition, which can in turn affect the upkeep and visual appeal of your lawn. Contact us today to schedule some mower service!