If you search for “winter lawncare tips” online, you’ll find that most information is geared toward people who routinely have snow on the ground in winter. Not so in Texas! Snow might not be impossible, but it’s rare enough to not affect how you treat your winter lawncare. Take a look at our Texas winter lawncare tips below to get more relevant advice!

Mow ‘Til the Growth Slows
Your lawn may not go into full-on sleep mode like lawns further north, but it does slow down a bit in cooler weather. You should still mow regularly until the grass growth is slowing down.

Give It a Drink
It’s important that your lawn continues to receive moisture, even in the winter. If you’re getting regular rainfall, you can let Mother Nature do her thing – but if you’re in any kind of drought, make sure your lawn receives at least a half-inch of water every other week.

Soil Testing
Use this time to test your soil! This is the ideal time of year to take a look at the nutrient levels in the soil since grass doesn’t typically need to be routinely fertilized during Texas winters. Wait at least 60 days after your last fertilization treatment to test your soil and start making your treatment plan for next year. (If it’s within 2 months of fertilizer treatment, it won’t accurately reflect the soil levels and throws off the accuracy of the sample.)

Get Equipment Maintenance
The winter months in Texas may not mean a total break from lawncare, but can provide you with enough downtime that you have time to get some routine equipment service! Contact us today to schedule some equipment service, or shopping for the right new or used lawncare equipment so that you’re ready for spring. Warmer weather will be here before you know it!