Ron Hoover Equipment is your one stop shop for cargo and utility trailers, ATVs, motorcycles, tractors, and more! While each piece of equipment serves different needs you may have, general safety guidelines are essential for proper and safe handling. Take a look at some of our equipment safety tips below!

Check the Equipment
Before you even start up your equipment, check it over for anything that may appear broken or damaged, fluid leaks, or anything that looks out of place. This small check is valuable and could prevent significant damage to the equipment or personal injury to yourself.
Check the Surroundings
Pulling a trailer, operating a tractor or golf cart, or driving a motorcycle are all incredibly different from driving a regular vehicle, and will change your perception or even obstruct your vision. This goes for blind spots to depth or nearness of obstacles to operating in reverse. Check your surroundings, then check them again.

Check Your Load – and the Road
While utility trailers boast a low center of gravity – which makes them great for moving heavy loads! – not every piece of equipment can say the same. Front-end loading tractors, for instance, need much more balance to prevent tipping. Additionally, if the terrain or road you’re on is exceptionally rough, bumpy, or uneven, this can impact your equipment’s balance as well as your visibility.
Come to a Complete Stop
When you’re done operating your equipment, make sure all parts of the unit are fully stopped. You can put something in park but still have moving parts and blades. When you’re finished, come to a complete stop, put it in park, and wait for all parts to come to a complete stop as well before standing up and exiting.
These quick and easy equipment safety tips can help maintain the longevity of your equipment, whether you’re hauling a trailer, operating a tractor, or anything in between – as well as help protect from significant risk of injury. Contact us today for expert advice on any of our equipment inventory for sale!